EU border with Belarus

The Haldane Society has endorsed the European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights’ motion on refugee & human rights at the EU-Belarus border, as set out below.

“The human tragedy at the EU border with Belarus is another example of the EU's failed refugee policy. The criminal treatment of refugees in Croatia recently revealed by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), the countless drowned refugees in the Mediterranean and recently in the English Channel, the refugee prevention agreements with Turkey, Libya and Morocco provide further examples.

There is an impression that the EU wants to use this refugee drama on the EU Border with Belarus as a welcome distraction from its own inhumane refugee policy. Approximately 8000 refugees are stranded in the forests on the EU border with Belarus. They are subjected to inhumane conditions there. For at least 12 of them, this has already ended in death.

While we condemn the irresponsible conduct of the Belarus leadership in using migrants, we urge a humane response from the EU and its Member States which is in line with EU and international legal rights and obligations.

Highly vulnerable groups have been weaponised in this struggle. They include pregnant women, young children, elderly and sick people wo have fled war and persecution from Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq, who in the absence of safe migration routes have ended up as pawns on a European border in freezing conditions.

ELDH therefore demands the following responses:

1.     Access to seeking asylum at the borders

Access to asylum in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia should immediately be restored, both in law and in practice in accordance with EU and international law, irrespective of the manner of arrival. All measures aimed at preventing people from accessing EU territory, (such as forceful pushbacks using water cannons and tear gas, prohibiting and limiting access to mechanisms for lodging of asylum claims from those who make it across the border into Europe) should cease.


2.     Withdrawal of non-compliant domestic legislation

The rush of refugees at the EU border with Belarus does not give the EU the right to endorse the temporary suspension of the application of the ECHR and international refugee law for the countries bordering Belarus.

ELDH calls on the European Commission to reverse its decision to endorse changes by Lithuania, Poland and Latvia to their domestic asylum legislation to render it incompatible with EU asylum Treaties, the Charter for Fundamental Rights and international law.  Whilst some of these changes are described as temporary, and have geographic restrictions, such derogation from human rights principles risks institutionalising unlawful practice.

For the 8000 migrants who have managed to cross the border to Lithuania, Poland or Latvia, ELDH calls on the EU to ensure that shelter, food and clothing are provided and not to endorse:

·       automatic detention on arrival

·       restriction of the right to claim asylum

·       reduction in the standard of reception conditions

·       restrictions on the right to seek legal advice

·       removal to their country of origin or a third country after a person has applied for asylum without any examination as to whether that person’s human rights will be breached on return.

This contradicts the international legal principle of non refoulement

international law, infringement and disciplinary action should be taken.


3.     Counteract repression of civil society, media and legal practitioners


Human rights activists providing humanitarian and legal assistance both on the border and in their own countries should not be criminalised.  The border should be accessible to international media and monitored by independent actors to ensure that EU and international law is respected.  Acts of violence by state enforcers and others should be condemned and investigated”.


Plain text version:

Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers Winter Party

Friday 10th December 2021

6pm-10:30pm, upstairs in The Angel, 101 Bermondsey Wall E, London SE16 4NB. Food; Money behind the bar. Tickets free for members, non-members £5 OTD (cash only) or sign up here: Please book in advance as spaces are limited.

To book:

Saturday, 25 September 2021, 13:00 – Sunday, 26 September 2021, 16:00 BST, hosted online.

Lawyers, academics, workers & activists convene to explore the limits & potential of using the law to advance radical political agendas.

Co-hosted byMaterialist Lawyers Group, The World Transformed, The Haldane Society and Legal Sector Workers United.

Featuring Dr Nadine El Enany, Lord Hendy QC, Chardine Taylor Stone, Raj Chada, Dr Robert Knox, Mira Hammad, John Smith, Paul Heron & many others.

Every generation develops its own understanding of how legal practice can both further and frustrate a project of radical, anti-capitalist politics. This conference brings together practising radical lawyers, Marxist academics, workers and activists affected by the violence of imperial capitalism. It is aimed at developing theoretically informed, concrete insights that can be applied in legal practice at a national and international level.

Panel discussions will focus on criminal defence, international law, immigration law, and employment law. There will also be an opening and closing plenary.

For the full agenda and details of how to get ticket, head to the Eventbrite page for the conference.

Feminist Reading Group

We are restarting the feminist reading group with A Decolonial Feminism by Françoise Vergès — both in person (in London) and on Zoom!!

The reading group will be fortnightly on Thursdays, starting on Thursday 16 September 2021, at 6.30pm.

If you would like more info please email with subject line “Feminist Reading Group”

Statement against war crimes committed in Palestine and Israel

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers expresses its grave concern at the latest outbreak of violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs).

As a result of the violence so far, at least 230 Palestinians have been killed, including 65 children, in Gaza, by Israeli airstrikes. Palestinian rocket fire has so far killed 12 in Israel, including one child. On 11 May 2021, the Israel Defence Forces stated that at least 15 of the 230 Palestinian casualties were confirmed members of Hamas. As of 19 May 2021, the Palestinian National Authority reported injuries for at least 1710 Palestinians, while as of 12 May Israel reported at least 200 injured Israelis. Haldane notes this disparity.

As of 19 May, at least 72,000 Palestinians have been displaced. Calls for a ceasefire were first proposed on 13 May by Hamas, but rejected by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has so far been resisting calls by the USA. for a ceasefire.

There is no doubt that war crimes have been committed both by Israel, in deliberately targeting civilians and causing wanton damage, and by Hamas, in firing rockets at Israel civilians.

On 3 March 2021 Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced the Investigation by her Office into crimes alleged to have been committed in the Situation in Palestine since 13 June 2014. The territorial scope of the ICC’s criminal jurisdiction extends to Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The ICC has already been denounced by Mr Netanyahu as an anti-Israeli conspiracy, but Haldane urges all European states to give their full support to the ICC’s investigation, which will extend to all individuals, Israeli or Palestinian, suspected of committing crimes under the Rome Statute of the ICC.

The present violence started on 6 May 2021, when Palestinian protests began in Jerusalem over an anticipated decision of the Supreme Court of Israel on the eviction of six Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem. Under international law, the area, illegally annexed by Israel in 1980, is part of the Palestinian territories that Israel occupied in 1967. The protests quickly escalated into violent confrontations between Jewish and Palestinian protesters. On 7 May, Israeli police stormed the compound of the al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam.

Haldane recalls that its longstanding Executive Committee member and International Secretary, Professor Bill Bowring, was a member of the English lawyers’ Mission to Sheikh Jarrah in December 2010. In its report, published in May 2011 by Avocats Sans Frontières, and available on the ELDH website (, the Mission gave full details of the relevant international law, and of the aggressive attempts by Israeli settlers to evict Palestinian families from their homes by force. The events of May 2021 are a continuation of this aggression and illegality. By tragic coincidence, 15 May 2021 was Nakba Day, the annual day of commemoration of the Nakba, also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, which saw the destruction of Palestinian society and its homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian people.

On 12 January 2021 the Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem, published its momentous Report “A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid”. It stated that Israel’s regime of apartheid and occupation is inextricably bound up in human rights violations. It explained in detail why Israel’s regime is correctly described in international law as apartheid. On 27 April 2021 Human Rights watch followed with its Report entitled “A Threshold Crossed

Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”.

These are amongst the crimes to be investigated by the ICC.

• Haldane insists that all European states are under an obligation to do everything in their power to bring to an end the illegality and oppression of Israel’s continued occupation since 1967, which is the root cause of the current violence. Instead, the EU and the UK have continued to collude with Israel.

• Haldane urges all European states to give the maximum support to the ICC and its new Prosecutor in carrying out their investigation without hindrance, in particular Israel, which has effectively declared war on the ICC.

• Haldane demands that all parties to the conflict, in particular Israel, which has the overwhelming preponderance of military power, and which is responsible of the illegality which gives rise to the present violence, cease their military activities forthwith.

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: ‘Colombia: Transitional Justice and Judicial Independence under Attack’ - 18.05.21


EVENT: Colombia: Transitional Justice and Judicial Independence Under Attack

Tuesday 18 May 2021, 18.30 to 20.00

The transitional justice system and judicial independence are under a barrage of attacks in Colombia. We will hear the latest update from Colombian lawyers who put their lives on the line in defence of peace and human rights.


– Diego Martínez: Human Rights lawyer and legal advisor to the FARC

– Reinaldo Villalba: Human Rights lawyer at CCAJAR

– Alirio Uribe: Human Rights lawyer and ex-Member of Congress

– Professor Sara Chandler QC (Hon): Chair, Colombia Caravana

– Hasan Dodwell: Director, Justice for Colombia

– Sue Willman: Chair, Law Society Human Rights Committee

– Chaired by Clare Mellor: Director, Thompsons Solicitors

A Justice for Colombia event supported by:

Haldane / Thompsons Solicitors / Colombia Caravana

Register here:

More Info:

Statement condemning the MPS's arrest of four legal observers on 16th March

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers condemns the arrest of four legal observers from Black Protest Legal Support by the Metropolitan Police on Tuesday 16th March. Legal observers are vital independent witnesses, helping to prevent abuses of power by the police at demonstrations by monitoring the way protests are policed. The UN Human Rights Committee has stated that Legal Observers “must not face reprisals or other harassment…if an assembly is declared unlawful or dispersed, that does not terminate the right to monitor” (UN Human Rights Committee General Comment No.37).

The Legal Observers arrested were dressed in hi-vis jackets and were noting down information about police arrests in notebooks when they were themselves arrested. Despite being clearly identifiable as legal observers the police chose to arrest them. It appears clear that these arrests were in order to prevent such monitoring, and to allow the police to escape any potential accountability.  We note that three of the four legal observers were from Black, Brown and Racialised Groups.

It is becoming a common course of behaviour that the police abuse the Coronavirus regulations to prevent protest, alongside attempts to legitimise inappropriate use of aggression and violence against protesters. It is imperative that legal observers are recognised as carrying out their independent, objective and vital function at protests and are not made a target for excessive use of police powers.

Free public lecture: 'Sixty Years of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs'

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-23 at 11.09.35.jpeg

The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs turns sixty years old on 30 March 2021. Join us to learn about its relationship with imperialism and the struggle for racial justice; its structure, provisions and history; and what resistance and advocacy look like within the framework it has created.

Date and Time: Tuesday 30th March 2021, 6:30pm - 8:30pm (online)


Kojo Koram: legal academic and editor of 'The War on Drugs and the Global Colour Line' (2019, Pluto Books)

Christopher Hallam: drug historian and research associate at the Global Drug Policy Observatory (Swansea University)

Judy Chang: Executive Director of the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD)

Chaired by Hannah Webb of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers.

Register here:

(Picture: Wikimedia Commons, Marjah, Afghanistan, 2010)