Each year the Haldane Society arranges its popular Human Rights Lecture Series, on a diverse range of subjects, with important speakers from across the legal landscape.
All of the events in the 2012-13 series take place at The College of Law on Store Street, London, and begin at 6.30pm. Lectures last about an hour and a half to two hours.
All lectures are free. CPD available for practitioners, £10.
11 October 2012: David Renton & Dave Smith
“Struck Out: Why employment tribunals fail workers and what can be done”
David Renton (barrister) and Dave Smith (Blacklist Support Group) will speak on the why employment workers, and how workers can respond through collective action outside the legal system.
15 November 2012: Michael Mansfield (followed by AGM)
“Palestine, Putney and Planet”
Michael Mansfield will be speaking on a diverse range of subjects including Palestine, the Putney Debates from the Civil War, and eco-cide.
Haldane Society AGM
The lecture will be followed by Haldane's AGM, open to all members of the Society.
13 December 2012: Owen Jones & Lois Austin (PCS)
“The Injustice of Privatisation”
Owen Jones (author of Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class) and a comrade from the PCS trade union will be speaking on the subject of privatisation, particularly as it affects the legal system.
17 January 2013: Michael Chessum (NUS/NCAFC) & Adam Gearey (Birkbeck School of Law)
“Higher Education for Sale”
Michael Chessum and Adam Gearey will be speaking on the privatisation of higher education.
21 February 2013: Tessa Gregory (Public Interest Lawyers) & Andy Greene (Disabled People Against the Cuts)
“Back to Work Schemes, ATOS, Forced Labour: the Fight in the Courts”
We will hear from a solicitor from Public Interest Lawyers and one of their clients about the government's controversial back to work schemes, their interrelationships with the concept of forced labour, and the human rights aspect of this subject.
14 March 2013: Jamila Duncan-Bosu (solicitor Anti-Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit) & Kate Roberts, (community advocate Kalayaan and campaigner for domestic migrant workers)
“Trafficking: Law and Politics”
We will hear from speakers involved in the fight against human-trafficking.