Free Public Lecture: Frances Webber's Borderline Justice

Frances Webber and Harmit Athwal on "Borderline Justice: the fight for refugee and migrant rights".

"Borderline Justice" is written by Frances Webber and published by Pluto Press, with a foreword by Gareth Peirce. Barriser Frances Webber provides a unique insight into how the law has been applied to migrants, refugees and other "unpopular minorities". The book records some of the key legal struggles of the past thirty years which have sought to preserve values of universality in human rights - and the importance of continuing to fight for those values, inside and outside the courtroom.

Harmit Athwal will speak on the deaths of asylum seekers (in detention, in the community and during removal) and what can be done to highlight such deaths.

Frances Webber has been a legal practitioner in the field of migrants' rights for over 30 years. She is an honorary Vice-President of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, Vice-Chair of the Institute of Race Relations and a visiting lecturer at Birkbeck College, University of London.

Harmit Athwalll has worked for the Institute of Race Relationsfor 15 years, edits and manages IRR News, the IRR’s online news service and carries out research into deaths in custody, during deportation and related to racial violence in the UK. Recent reports include Driven to desperate measures, Racial violence: the buried issue and Asylum deaths: what to do next. In her outreach role, she has variously worked with groups such as United Families and Friends Campaign, Medical Justice and Corporate Watch.

Helen Bamber OBE: "Frances Webber writes with the authority of a legal expert who for thirty years has represneted migrants and asylum seekers. The book raises quesions for all concenrred with the preservation of a truly democratic and humane society".

Liz Fekete, Executive Director Institute for Race Relations: "On every page of this book the cold, inhuman and racially-determined logic of Home Office decision-making is laid bare by a campaigning lawyer passioante in the belief that the fight to preserve refugee and migrant rights in the UK is central to the larger fight for racial justice internationally".

Wednesday 26 June 2013, 6.30pm - 8.30pm, admission free, Garden Court Chambers 57 - 60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ. No need to reserve in advance. Copies of Borderline Justice will be on sale.

Download the poster for the event.

How You Can Help the Fight to Save Legal Aid

Respond to the Consultation

The government's consultation on cuts to legal aid closes on 4th June 2013.  Please take a minute to use our template response to the government's consultation on cutting legal aid.

The consultation has now closed.

Sign the Petition

You can sign the petition against the cuts at

If the petition reaches 100,000 signatures it will be debated in Parliament.  We're currently most of the way there - help push us over the edge.

Build for United Strike Action

The proposals will not be defeated by petitions and consultations alone.  Contact us to see how you can get involved in building united strike action across the profession.

Statement of Support – Keep the NHS Public

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers is adding its voice to the Keep the NHS Public campaign. The NHS was created as a comprehensive, universal and free service 60 years ago. It is now in great danger. The current government has passed laws which will force open our NHS to competition from private companies seeking to make profit for their shareholders – which is completely at odds with a health service which acts in the best interests of patients.

The NHS is a defining institution of this country. We need to fight for it now and make this government back down. We call on organisations, healthcare workers, patients and the public to campaign to protect the NHS from further privatisation and fragmentation, and to keep our NHS public for the benefit of all.

We also urge people to join the demonstration on Saturday 18 May in London to Save London’s NHS. Details are here:

Support Keep the NHS Public:

Haldane Policy: Strategy Regarding Legal Aid Cuts

On 13 May 2013 the Executive of the Society approved a policy setting out our strategy to defeat the government's vicious legal aid cuts.  The policy calls on our members to intervene at every level in the profession to encourage a militant approach to the fight back, and to call not only to protect the existing system but to rebuild what has been lost already.

The Society will be calling for an immediate and co-ordinated 24 hour strike at all levels of the profession, and for a programme of increasingly intsense strike action thereafter until our demands are met.