Call for Aid to Comrades in the Philippines

Haldane calls on our members to assist Karapatan, a radical grassroots political organisation in the Philippines with which we have fraternal relations.  If you would like to donate to assist Karapatan please contact

The Executive and AGM have already agreed to send a donation to assist Karapatan's urgent action appeal, and this was added to by a collection at our recent AGM. 

Any assistance will be gratefully received.

[The image in this article details and gives a pictorial representation of the various items which Karapatan can use to assist victims of the devastation in the Philippines.]

Free Lectures for November and December

Download the original flyer (PDF).

[The embedded file in this article announces the upcoming lectures:

14 November 2013 speaker Phil Shiner, on UK Human Rights Violations in Iraq and Afghanistan (followed by AGM);

10 December 2013 speakers Elizabeth Woodcraft and Alison Diduck, on How to be a Feminist Lawyer.

All lectures 6.30pm, University of Law.]

Open Letter on Police Surveillance

We the undersigned are a mixture of individuals, organisations and lawyers affected by undercover police operations or representing people who believe that they have been the targets of undercover policing

In June this year the public reacted with shock and outrage to revelations that undercover police surveillance was used against members of Stephen Lawrence's family, to find “dirt” that could discredit them.  

This is yet another revelation about the nature and extent of secret policing in Britain, showing decades long spying on and interference with political movements and campaigns.  In addition to efforts to spy upon or smear people such as the Lawrence family who have lost loved ones, particular disgust has been expressed at the gross intrusion of undercover officers forming intimate sexual relationships with some of those upon whom they were spying; at the use of the identities of dead children to obtain cover; and at police links with the blacklisting of trade union members.  It has also become apparent that many criminal convictions have been rendered unsafe as a result of misconduct by the police and prosecutors.

We have no faith in Operation Herne nor any of the up to 16 often secret, internal police or prosecutor reviews. They are not sufficiently transparent, robust or independent to satisfy public concern and they do not come close to addressing all of the issues raised.

The public is entitled to know what has been going on in their name and paid for by their taxes.  We therefore call for an independent public inquiry into all the revelations that undercover policing has been used against political protest and campaigns. This inquiry must have full powers to compel police officers to give evidence.  Such political policing has no place in a democratic society and a mechanism must be found to ensure that such unjustified conduct does not continue into the future. 


Tamsin Allen, Mike Schwarz, Bindmans Solicitors

Lois Austin

Raju Bhatt, Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

Blacklist Support Group

Ruth Bundey, Harrison Bundey Solicitors

Jules Carey, Marian Ellingworth, Tuckers Solicitors

Louise Christian, Christian Khan Solicitors

Deborah Coles and Helen Shaw, Co-Directors INQUEST

Liz Davies, Chair, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

Claire Dissington, Anti Nazi League

Estelle du Boulay, Director, Newham Monitoring Project

Suresh Grover, The Monitoring Group

Imran Khan, Imran Khan & Partners Solicitors

Anna Mazzola, Consultant Solicitor, Bindmans Solicitors

Frank Smith, blacklisted trade unionist

The Socialist Party

Michelle Stanistreet, General Secretary, National Union of Journalists

Harriet Wistrich, Birnberg Peirce Solicitors, Belinda Harvey, Helen Steel & 6 others in legal action against undercover relationships

Youth Against Racism in Europe 

Congratulations to Raji Sourani

The Haldane Society sends its congratulations to our comrade Raji Sourani, Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, on the Right Livelihood Award, the alternative Nobel Prizes.  This is a major recognition of Raji's and PCHR's tenacity in resisting the crimes of the Israeli state in Palestine.

View the letter sent to PCHR.

Lecture Series Update

14 November 2013

Annual General Meeting and Lecture:
Phil Shiner, solicitor, Public Interest Lawyers, doughty litigator against human rights abuses by British troops, will be speaking on “UK human rights violations in Iraq and Afghanistan – the present picture”.

10 December 2013

How to be a Feminist Lawyer.
Speakers TBC.


All lectures at 6.30pm, University of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1E 7DE

Attendance is free.  We hope that CPD points will be available (for £10), but please check in advance.

Legal Aid Consultation: Meeting for South London Criminal Defence Lawyers

A meeting has been called for criminal practitioners in south London to discuss the current MoJ consultation on legal aid cuts. The meeting, held under the auspices of the LCCSA, will be held at the offices of Baxter Brown McArthur, 150A Falcon Road SW11 2LW on Thursday 10 October at 18.00.

Human Rights Lectures 2013-14 Announced

Click here to download the poster as a printable A4 PDF.

[The image in this article sets out the dates of Haldane's upcoming lecture series.  Lectures are to be held on 8 October (police surveillance), 14 November (Michael Mansfield and Haldane AGM) and 10 December (details TBC).  All at University of Law, Store Street, 6.30pm.  All lectures are free or £10 for CPD.]