AGM and Lecture on 13 December 2016

Whitewashing Justice: Race and the Criminal Justice System

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers invites you to our free public lecture on Whitewashing Justice: Race and the Criminal Justice System. 

Speakers will be:

  • Leslie Thomas QC, leading silk from Garden Court Chambers
  • Marcia Rigg, sister of Sean Rigg who was killed by police.

Tickets do not need to be pre-booked, but you can sign up and share the event on Facebook.

Annual General Meeting and Elections

We also welcome all members to our AGM which will be held after the lecture. 

The AGM will debate the policy of the Society over the next year, and will elect the Officers and Executive Committee.

If you are interested in submitting motions for debate, or in standing for election, please contact by 10 December 2016 at 6.30pm.  Alternatively, candidates for election who have not been nominated in advance can be nominated in person at the AGM.

Both events will take place at BPP University Law School, 68-70 Red Lion Street, London, WC1R 4NY.