LISTEN HERE - The Role of the Law in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation

The Role of the Law in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation

Listen again to the audio of our event from Thursday 30th May, where we hosted an impressive panel, discussing the role of the law in the struggle for Palestinian liberation.

Speakers included:-

Sahar Francis, a representative of Addameer - a Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, who discussed the imprisonment of lawyers and boycott of Israeli courts.

Charlotte Andrews-Briscoe from Global Legal Action Network on taking the UK government to court over weapons exports to Israel.

Michael Lynk from Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) and former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine discussing obligations under international law, and updates on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) case against Israel, brought by South Africa.

Chaired by Mira Hammad, criminal defence (including Protest Rights) barrister at Garden Court North.