24th January 2012: The Day of the Endangered Lawyers

Dear Colleagues,


I am sending you the Petition and the Press Release for the Day of the Endangered Lawyers 24th January 2012.


In order to protest against the unlawful and intolerable obstruction of lawyers in Turkey and against the severe human rights violations connected to this, on the 24th of January lawyers in many cities in Europe will organize demonstrations wearing their gown in front of Turkish Embassies and Consulates. A petition addressed to the Turkish Government will be handed over. in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Dusseldorf, The Hague, Hamburg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Rome and other cities forum discussions or other activities will be organized.

All lawyers are requested to support and to participate in these activities. The protests will be organized by the local organisations of AED-EDL, ELDH and IDHAE.
Those who have not yet organized anything still have the time to organize at least a small protest in front of the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their Country..

Best wishes,


Thomas Schmidt

ELDH European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights

(lawyer), Secretary General


Full press release and petition can be downloaded here