Feminist Lawyers Launch Event

The Haldane Society invites you to our feminist lawyers launch event.

26th March 2014, 6.30pm onwards

at the London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London, E1 1ES
(near Whitechapel Station)

Free (Suggested Donation £2)

A social event for women and allies to share personal experiences of being involved in the legal system, studying the law, or campaigning for justice, and the particular challenges for women.

Come join us and voice your opinion in a group discussion on:

  • Fighting sexism in legal practice;
  • Coming together to build a more progressive, woman-friendly, and socialist profession;
  • Supporting one another in a profession marked by inequality and threatened by unprecedented legal aid cuts.

Refreshments will be available.

Contact feminism@haldane.org for details.