Socialist Lawyer 1-10

Socialist Lawyer 10 (3.2MB)

Kader Asmal on Human Rights in Northern Ireland: Britain's Responsibilities
Can the Law Turn Green? by Philippe Sands
Greville Janner QC MP on Nazi War Criminals
The Social Fund in Practice by Mark Rowland
Piers Mostyn on the Guildford Four
Book Reviews and News

Socialist Lawyer 09 (4.3MB)

Geoffrey Bindman on Lawyers under Pressure in Northern Ireland
Fenella Morris on Electronic Tagging
The Export of Military Force by Nick Blake
Robin Oppenheim on the Unions and the Law
Embryology and Legislation by Bethan Harris and Clare Wade
Book Reviews and News

Socialist Lawyer 08 (3.8MB)

The Haldane's Response to the Green Paper
John Hendy QC on Conflict in Pietermaritzburg
Another Swipe at Local Democracy by Gavin Millar
Kilary Kitchen on The Culture of Secrecy
Conscription in South Africa by Roger Field
Book Reviews, Letters and News

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Socialist Lawyer 07 (4.5MB)

Albie Sachs on a Bill of Rights for South Africa
The Housing Act 1988
Reminiscences of a Radical Lawyer - John Platts-Mills QC
Louise Christian on the Police Complaints Authority
Helena Kennedy on the Chilean Plebiscite
Book Reviews, Letters and News

Socialist Lawyer 06 (4.4MB)

Louis Blom-Cooper QC on the Death Penalty in the US
Amnesty International and Britain
Palestinians Under Occupation - The Uprising
The Quest for Justice at the Polls
Black Mask is Back
Book Reviews, Letters and News

Socialist Lawyer 05 (3.5MB)

The Birmingham Six Appeal by Nick Blake
Tory Hypocrisy and the Unions by Marina Wheeler
Lean Times Ahead: The Social Fund in Perspective by Richard Drabble
Tony Gifford QC on Justice in Mozambique
Domestic Violence by Sally Parsloe
Strip Searching by Nina Hutchinson
Book Reviews and News

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AIDS: The Legal Issues
A regressive Act - The David Alton Bill
Tony Gifford QC on Chile's Constitutional Fraud
Gay Rights Matter by David Geer
A Licence to Hate: Incitement to Racial Hatred by J Dexter Dias
The Poll Tax: No Representation Without Taxation? by Bill Bowring
Book Reviews and News

Socialist Lawyer 03 (3.9MB)

Legal Services - The Left Divided?
The Forgotten 10 Million: The Future of Community Care for Elderly People
Policing the Picket Outside South Africa House
Beyond Collective Bargaining
Owen Davies on extradition
Back to the 1850s: A Free Market in Housing
Book Reviews and News

Socialist Lawyer 02 (3.6MB)

Stephen Sedley on Judicial Review
Nick Blake on the UK and Refugees
Employment Discrimination in Northern Ireland by Paddy O'Connor
Roundtable on Local Authority's Powers and Tenants' Rights
Peter Thornton on the Public Order Act
Haldane News Reviews and Letters

Socialist Lawyer 01 (2MB)

Tribute to Owen Parson
Legal Services
Labour Party Conference
Conference on the Role of the Radical Lawyer: From Theory to Practice
Lawyers visit to the Hague by Kuttan Menon
Labour Laws with a Labour Government by John Hendy
Jureis: A balanced Tirbunal: The Peremptory Challenge by Nicholas Paul
Pritt Memorial Lecture: Politics and Justice: Can the Legal System be Reformed by Tony Gifford QC