Haldane Statement of Solidarity with MOVICE (Movement for Victims of State Crimes, Colombia)

We are writing from the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, the British organisation of lawyers, academics students, legal workers, trade union and labour affiliates, to express our support and solidarity with the Movement of Victims of State Crimes (MOVICE), a coalition of more than 200 Colombian human rights organisations, lawyers' associations and trade unions.

We understand that since the organisation's creation in 2005, MOVICE leaders and the members of its component organisations have been the continuous target of human rights abuses, including assassinations, death threats, false accusations, fabricated judicial cases and unjust imprisonment.

We also recognise that in the face of these intimidations, MOVICE members continue to carry out invaluable work documenting human rights abuses, supporting and defending the rights of victims, and speaking out against those who perpetrate the violations. Their work is integral to the defence and advancement of human rights in Colombia.
It appears that many of these abuses form part of a smear campaign aimed at delegitimising and debilitating their work. Furthermore, we understand that during the first year of President Santos' administration, from August 2010-July 2011 there was a 44% increase in the abuses against MOVICE members, making it more dangerous to carry out their work on the ground.

We have for several years worked closely with the UK NGO, Justice for Colombia and in particular supported their campaign for the release of political prisoners. We specifically campaigned for the release of Carmelo Agamez, former political prisoner and leader of MOVICE Sucre, and we are currently campaigning for the release of imprisoned MOVICE leader David Rabelo.

In response to the increasing threats, and in recognition of the importance of its members work, we have decided to adopt a wider campaign in solidarity with MOVICE, through which we hope to provide increased support for MOVICE members, according to the organisation's demands and priorities. Specifically, by raising awareness within our membership and through our affiliations to the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (EALDH) and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and by calling on the Colombian authorities to fulfil MOVICE requests.

Statement of Solidarity with NUPL Action against Major General Jovito Palparan

The Haldane Society supports the National Union of Peoples' Lawyers' actions against Maj Gen Jovito Palparan.

The arrest warrant against Gen. Palparan and three other military personnel was issued by the Malolos Regional Trial Court on December 19, 2011. After a month-long manhunt by government law enforcement agencies and after a P1-million bounty has been put up for his capture, the actual whereabouts of the retired general are yet to be known. Palparan's co-accused and sidekick M/Sgt. Rizal Hilario is also still at large.

The victims and families have been waiting for justice for the longest time. There are prevalent doubts from the victims and their families whether the Pnoy administration itself has in fact made any serious, systematic and concrete effort to initiate the effective and genuine investigation and prosecution of human rights violators of the past and the present. "We hope several other victims will, on their own, persist to throw the book at Gen. Palparan and his kind for the most horrific rights violations," said Liz Davies, Chair of the Haldane Society.

The NUPL is the private prosecutor in the case of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention against Gen. Palparan and his co-accused , involving the disappearance of UP students Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan. The NUPL is also the counsel of human rights victims Raymond Manalo, Oscar Leuterio, Melissa Roxas, Ericson Acosta, and the Morong 43 health workers, among others.

Liz Davies
Chair Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

24th January - International Day of Solidarity with Lawyers in Turkey

Jeremy Corbyn MP joins UK lawyers protest at the Turkish Embassy: 12-1pm 43 Belgrave Square, SW1

The day of action on 24th January, which saw simultaneous actions by lawyers taking place in major cities across Europe, was marked in London with a protest outside the Turkish Embassy, and organised by CAMPACC and Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, to highlight the intolerable conditions faced by lawyers in Turkey.

Jeremy Corbyn MP and Prof Bill Bowring the President of the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights were joined by lawyers Margaret Owen, Michael Ellman, Hugo Charlton, Ali Has, Arman Banirad and human rights activist Estella Schmid from CAMPACC and Peace in Kurdistan Campaign.

"The Day of the Endangered Lawyer wants to bring to public attention the widespread human rights violations in Turkey against with lawyers seeking to represent victims of are themselves increasingly being subject to arrest and prosecution. We are here today to show our solidarity with our Kurdish and Turkish colleagues who are being arrested and prosecuted simply for carrying out their normal professional duties. Severe restrictions are routinely placed on the way they represent and relate to their clients with, for example, the taping of conversations, which breaches the principle of confidentiality. The broad definition of terrorism under Turkey's anti-terror laws is at the root of the problem and it means that lawyers can be detained for representing clients who are accused of terrorism" said Professor Bill Bowring

The state's actions against the country's lawyers culminated in the mass arrest of some 36 Turkish and Kurdish lawyers during simultaneous raids carried out in several Turkish cities and provinces on 22 November 2011 as part of the continuing KCK operations, which are a key part of the state's oppressive measures against the Kurdish people. The lawyers arrested include members of the legal team of Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The lawyers remain in custody.

The petition and letter by the Endangered Lawyers initiative which Jeremy Corbyn MP tried to hand in on behalf of the organisation was refused by the Turkish Embassy. The police officer at the entry of the Turkish Embassy was under strict instructions not to allow the delivery of any letters. For information we attach the petition/letter and urge you to circulate it.

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer was organized this year by three European lawyers' associations: the European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL, www.aed-edl.net), the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH, www.eldh.eu) and the European Bar Human Rights Institute (IDHAE, www.idhae.org). Together they represent lawyers all over Europe.

We urge you to support the main demands of this lawyers' initiative which is calling for the following:

  • Repeal of The Turkish Anti-Terror Law of 1991 which protects the security of the state at the expense of the freedom and security of individuals and violates international human rights law;
  • The immediate release of all lawyers detained for political reasons;
  • A fair trial for defendants in the KCK trial, including permission for foreign legal observers to attend the trial;
  • An international independent investigation into the actions carried out in Turkey against lawyers and other professionals such as journalists in order to hold those responsible for these arrests accountable for violations of basic human rights.

Download the petition here

For further information:

CAMPACC (Campaign Against Criminalising Communities)

e-mail: estella24@tiscali.co.uk


24th January 2012: The Day of the Endangered Lawyers

Dear Colleagues,


I am sending you the Petition and the Press Release for the Day of the Endangered Lawyers 24th January 2012.


In order to protest against the unlawful and intolerable obstruction of lawyers in Turkey and against the severe human rights violations connected to this, on the 24th of January lawyers in many cities in Europe will organize demonstrations wearing their gown in front of Turkish Embassies and Consulates. A petition addressed to the Turkish Government will be handed over. in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Dusseldorf, The Hague, Hamburg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Rome and other cities forum discussions or other activities will be organized.

All lawyers are requested to support and to participate in these activities. The protests will be organized by the local organisations of AED-EDL, ELDH and IDHAE.
Those who have not yet organized anything still have the time to organize at least a small protest in front of the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their Country..

Best wishes,


Thomas Schmidt

ELDH European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights

(lawyer), Secretary General


Full press release and petition can be downloaded here

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers fully supports the industrial action called by unions on 30th November 2011.

We do not know whether PCS court workers will be able to close courts. If so, we encourage our members not to cross picket-lines. Below is a statement agreed with PCS for the industrial action in June.

For details of protests around the country, see here.

The Haldane Society will be joining marchers at noon, assemble at Lincoln's Inn Fields, WC2A 3PE. March to the Victoria Embankment, WC2N 6NU, for a rally at 2pm.

Some courts will be closed and there will certainly be picket-lines at any that remain open. We encourage our members to show solidarity with the striking court workers by respecting the picket-lines so long as that does not breach members' professional duties. This situation has been explained to PCS who understand the constraints on practising lawyers under a professional duty to attend court but who would not wish to cross a picket line. Members can express their solidarity with the PCS in other ways, in particular by making a donation to the Ministry of Justice Group hardship fund (see the statement below for details).

Members are urged to make arrangements before 30th November to avoid, if possible, the need for their attendance at court on that day so long as the interests of their clients are protected. If you have no alternative but to attend court on 30th November take this statement with you and show it to the PCS steward. We would encourage members who find that they do have to appear in court on 30th November to consider donating some of their personal remuneration to the strike hardship fund.

Please see a statement from the PCS for further details of support to be offered.

We apologise to members for the late sending of this email.

PCS hardship fund:

PCS welcomes payments to our Ministry of Justice Group hardship fund; cheques should be made payable to PCS MoJ Group Hardship Fund Account and sent to c/o Robin Fallon 30 Saltwell Street, Gateshead Tyne and Wear NE8 4QX. This fund is used to help cover the cost of going on strike for union members who face particular financial hardship. Our lowest paid members earn between £13,894 and £15,524 full time pay outside London and in London they earn just £16,737 to £18,700. These wage rates are for those working as court ushers and some administration staff. This gives you an idea of how low paid some of our members are and the sacrifice they make going on strike. To add to this our members are affected by a two year pay freeze and are now threatened with working longer and paying increased pension contributions for a lower pension when they finally retire.

Tuesday 18th October: Haldane Parliamentary briefing on Enforcing Housing Rights in East Jerusalem

The briefing session will be conducted by members of a delegation of English barristers organised by Avocats Sans Frontiers who visited Jerusalem between 19 and 23 December 2010. International lawyers Professor Bill Bowring and Hannah Rought-Brooks joined housing rights specialists John Beckley, Liz Davies, John Hobson, and Marina Sergides in conducting the investigation. The objective of the fact finding mission was to examine the legal situation in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian area located to the north of the Old City in East Jerusalem. Sheikh Jarrah, is the site of a protracted legal battle where the evictions of more than 25 families from their homes have repercussions for the viability of a future Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement and the long term status of Jerusalem. According to the United Nations, over 60 Palestinians have been forcibly evicted in Sheikh Jarrah in recent years leaving another 500 at risk of dispossession and displacement. The briefing session will discuss the findings of the delegation and how the situation in Sheikh Jarrah can be addressed within the framework of international humanitarian law and human rights law.

See a summary of the report "Enforcing Housing Rights: the Case of Sheikh Jarrah" here or download the full report from here.

Free admission. Please note that it can take up to 30 minutes to proceed through security at Westminster. Please rsvp or request to Sara Apps at: sara.apps@palestinecampaign.org

Nearest tube stations: Westminster, St James Park, Victoria. Further information www.palestinecampaign.org.

6pm, House of Lords, Westminster London SW1.

Download poster for the event here