Feminist Lawyers Launch Event

The Haldane Society invites you to our feminist lawyers launch event.

26th March 2014, 6.30pm onwards

at the London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London, E1 1ES
(near Whitechapel Station)

Free (Suggested Donation £2)

A social event for women and allies to share personal experiences of being involved in the legal system, studying the law, or campaigning for justice, and the particular challenges for women.

Come join us and voice your opinion in a group discussion on:

  • Fighting sexism in legal practice;
  • Coming together to build a more progressive, woman-friendly, and socialist profession;
  • Supporting one another in a profession marked by inequality and threatened by unprecedented legal aid cuts.

Refreshments will be available.

Contact feminism@haldane.org for details.

The Haldane Society Salutes Two Giants of the Labour Movement

BOB CROW: trade unionist, socialist, comrade.

13 June 1961 – 11 March 2014

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers is shocked and deeply saddened by the death of Bob Crow, the General Secretary of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT), 2002 – 2014.

The outpouring of grief, sadness and solidarity in response to his death confirms the major impact he had as a trade union leader - one of the best known - for his steadfast approach to standing up for his members and advancing the ideas of socialism. Bob Crow had enormous respect and support, amongst both RMT members and trade union members in general, for his uncompromising position of fighting in the interests of rail workers, for calling for renationalisation of the railways, and for the pride with which he called himself a socialist.

With Bob Crow in the leadership of the RMT, membership had grown from 50,000 to just over 80,000. Ken Livingstone is correct when he says that the only working-class people who still have well-paid jobs in London are his members.  Manuel Cortes, general secretary of the TSSA union, said: “Bob Crow was admired by his members and feared by his employers which is exactly how he liked it.”

If there were more trade union militants like Bob, the battle to stop the cuts and kick out the Coalition Government would be at a much more advanced stage.

Our thoughts are with his family, friends, comrades and RMT members.


Tony Benn: speaking truth to power

3 April 1925 – 14 March 2014

We mourn the passing  of Tony Benn. He was a friend to the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers. He spoke at our AGM in 2006 and we sent him copies of Socialist Lawyer.

Much has been written about how Benn's politics shifted. As a Labour Cabinet Minister (1964 – 1970 and 1974 – 1979), his diaries reveal his observationS that the civil service can frustrate the policies and decisions of democratically elected governments, that industrialists and bankers can get their way using the crudest forms of economic pressures, and that the media ensures that events of the day are always presented from the point of view of those who enjoy economic privilege.  Benn believed in absolute, transparent, democracy, exemplified by his well-known five questions to those in power which culminate in “how can we get rid of you?”.

Along with his democratic values was a commitment to real equality, which is why so many people have fond memories of him. He treated everyone as an equal, would respond to any stranger who stopped to talk to him, and was an indefatigable correspondent. Obviously his belief in equality made him a socialist through and through. He also understood and championed campaigns for equal rights which are obvious today, but in the 1970s and 1980s were considered crazy: women's rights, anti-racist campaigns and lesbian and gay rights. That same belief in equality and respect for others informed his work for peace, and his commitment to abolishing nuclear weapons.  He knew all about the horrors of war, having served in the Second World War (and lost his brother in it), and that experience permeated many of his speeches.

Benn believed in solidarity and workers' rights. As MP for Chesterfield during the miners' strike, he regularly attended picket lines and threw himself into speaking and raising money for the miners around the country. Until recently, it was rare to find any trade union picket-line that Benn had not personally visited, with a flask of tea.

Benn had an ability to explain ideas clearly, accessibly and without patronising his audience. That wasn't only because he was a good orator; it was also because he believed in what he was saying. He wasn't parroting a line written by a spin-doctor, or appearing on platforms out of vanity. He knew what he wanted to say, and he said it.

Benn was the leader of a real mass movement in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The early Thatcher government was intent on breaking the labour movement, and the Labour Party leadership was only too happy to accommodate that view. Benn stood for thousands of trade union activists, of Labour Party members committed to democracy and socialism and for1980s' municipal socialism. He was hated by the ruling class because that movement was a genuine challenge to what we now know as neo-liberalism. There are many “what ifs”: what if Benn's bid for the Deputy Leadership of the Labour Party had been successful, what if the Labour Party had never allowed itself to be dictated by the media's right-wing agenda, what if the Labour Party had not split, what if the Falklands war had never happened, what if the miners had not been defeated. If Bennism had not been defeated, within the Labour Party and the labour movement, we might be living in a better, more equal society. 

"Grayling Must Go: Legal Aid Must Stay"

Thousands of lawyers struck on Friday against the government's devastating cuts to the justice system.

Demonstrations took place in cities across the country against the government's plans to slash funding for criminal cases, reduce the number of people eligible for legal aid, and prevent oversight of government action by restricting judicial review.

Haldane members took a prominent role in organising the demonstrations and strikes.

The Haldane Society is now calling for a protracted campaign of strike days involving the withdrawal of our services from the criminal justice system until the government abandons their plans.

Lecture 12 March: Omar Khard and the Betrayal of International Law

Wednesday 12 March 2014, 6.30pm

Omar Khadr and the Betrayal of International Law

At Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A

Canadian citizen Omar Khadr, 27, was 15 years old when he was captured by the US military in Afghanistan in 2002. He was taken to Bagram, where he was tortured, and then on to Guantánamo Bay, where he is the only person since WWII to be convicted as an adult of war crimes committed as a minor under a secret plea bargain. He returned to Canada in September 2012 where he remains in prison, and until recently at a maximum-security facility. His lawyers have recently launched an appeal against his US conviction and the Canadian government for breaches of his constitutional rights.

Dennis Edney QC, Khadr’s Scottish-Canadian lawyer, will talk through the legal issues surrounding Omar Khadr’s unique case and the gross abuses of his human rights and international law by both the US and Canadian governments.

The event will be chaired by Professor Bill Bowring, President of the European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (ELDH); International Secretary, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers. Jointly organised by CAMPACC, the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers and the London Guantánamo Campaign.

The event is free and all welcome! For information contact: secretary@haldane.org

Launch of Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance: 27 February 2014

*Meeting Now Fully Subscribed*

Entry can only be guaranteed to those who have pre-booked.

We invite you to the launch meeting of the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS).

Thursday 27 February 2014, 6.30pm


  • Imran Khan, solicitor to Doreen Lawrence
  • Lois Austin, Youth Against Racism in Europe and Socialist Party
  • Harriet Wistrich, solicitor to eight women bringing legal action against the Metropolitan Police Service
  • Dave Smith, Blacklist Support Group
  • Robbie Gillett, Drax protester
  • Helen Steel, one of the women who is suing police over undercover relationships

Unfortunately, Baroness Lawrence is now unable to attend.

Diskus Conference Centre, Unite House, 128 Theobald's Road,  Holborn, London, WC1X 8TN

Free admission. Places are limited, so please book by email to cops@haldane.org

Download the leaflet.

Further information: http://campaignopposingpolicesurveillance.wordpress.com/

[The image in this article is the logo of the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance.  It is the word "COPS" in capital letters, with a palm print in the centre of the "O".]

Human Rights Lectures 2013-14

Thursday 13 February 2014:

UK human rights violation in Afghanistan and Iraq - the present picture.

Speaker: Phil Shiner, Public Interest Lawyers.

Thursday 13 March 2014:

Reflections on the Mark Duggan inquest.

Speakers: to be confirmed.

All lectures at 6.30pm at the University of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1A 7DE.

Admission free. We regret that CPD points are not available.

Download the poster (pdf).

NEW Petition to Save Legal Aid

The Justice Alliance has launched a new petition calling on David Cameron to halt the Transforming Legal Aid proposals accompanied by the following message:

As opposition to the legal aid cuts grows from diverse sections of society, now is the time to put down a marker. We need to send a strong and swift message to the Government, we need to show the widespread support for legal aid and we need to defend access to justice.

Please sign this petition http://chn.ge/1dWvURV and join with Joanna Lumley, the first signatory, who campaigned to secure rights for the Gurkhas, themselves reliant on legal aid. If Grayling has his way innocent people will be wrongly jailed, the state will enjoy immunity for unlawful acts, victims of trafficking and domestic violence will be left without support. Don't let that happen. Join the fight for legal aid.

Please share this petition widely and encourage others to sign it. It has reached nearly 5,000 signatories since it opened on Friday morning.